Financial Accounts Manager
The Financial Accounts Manager is responsible for monitoring the company assembling financial statements and reports, forcasting theoretical profits and losses,
~ Must have a bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or some other closely related field.
~ Must have at least three (3) years of experience in accounting, finances, or financial management, and must come highly recommended by both: (1) current employment supervisor and (3) fellow co-workers in the related field.
~ Must be proficient in assembling financial reports and creating and designing financial presentations.
~ Must be an excellent written and oral communicator.
~ Must have or be willing to undergo public relations and social media training.
BONUS - An applicant for the Financial Accounts Manager position should possess the following skillsets:
~ Leadership qualities
~ Strategic decision-making
~ Analytical thinking
~ Crisis assesement and problem solving
~ Hard work ethic
~ Excellent time management
~ Excellent written and oral communication
~ Efficient multitasker
~ Able to work under time limits and stressful situations.